FAQ for writers & illustrators:
I have an idea for a book. What should I do?
How exciting! Now you should nurture it: keep working at it and thinking about it and writing and/or drawing. If you want to write picture books but don't illustrate, that’s okay! Most children’s books are written and illustrated by two different people. Take your time and keep looking at your work with fresh eyes.
I think I’m ready for a publisher to look at my project. What now?
Editors are the multi-talented superheroes who acquire books, but they can be hard to get in touch with, and for good reason: they're super busy! The best next step is to get an agent. I’m represented by Andrea Morrison at Writer’s House, but there are lots of literary agencies.
I suggest poking around SCBWI’s website—it’s a great starting point for all things children’s book-related. Snoop around and see who your favorite authors and illustrators are represented by, too.
Well, what does an agent do?
The relationship with your agent should be a true partnership. A good agent will work with you to make your project the best it can be and help you navigate a career in the book world. When your work is ready to send to publishers, your agent will strategize the best way for editors to see (and hopefully acquire) your book. They’ll help you negotiate your payment and rights, too– that part can be confusing. All of that said, a good agent is worth waiting for: make sure you’re excited about your agency before you commit! It’s also worth noting that an agent is not a golden ticket to a book deal, as there are often several rounds of submissions before a book finds its home.
One more note: your agent gets paid when you get paid. If an agent is asking you to pay money to be represented, it is possible that they are attempting to scam you.
Can I hire you to illustrate my book?
If you’re a designer or editor: Yes! Please get in touch with me & my agent Andrea Morrison (amorrison@WritersHouse.com)
If you wrote a book that you hope to have traditionally published, you do not need to hire an illustrator. Your publisher will do that, and you won’t pay a dime. Instead, you should focus on writing the best manuscript you can. If you’d like, you can add “art notes,” which describe what you imagine happening in the pictures. You don't need to have your manuscript illustrated in order to get a book deal.
FAQ for parents & kids:
What is your favorite color?
I have a really hard time picking favorites of anything! That said, I really love pink… and red… and black…
Why does the Secret Spy Society have only one color?
When I came up with the idea for the Secret Spy Society, I was especially interested in old children’s books. A lot of old children’s books use a “limited color palette” because of the way printers worked at the time. Some of my favorite books printed with limited palettes are Eloise by Hilary Knight and Kay Thompson and Veronica by Roger Duvoisin. Since the Secret Spy Society is set in the past, I wanted the artwork to feel like it came from the past, too. I chose to use a “limited color palette” of black and one extra color. Doesn’t it feel spooky and mysterious?
Do you have any pets?
Right now, I have two cats. One is named Minnie and the other is named Piccolo. They are best friends! Growing up, my family had a lot of pets: dogs, cats, chickens, birds, hamsters, rabbits, fish. Our house was very full and very loud.
How old are you?
Older than you, probably! (I was born in 1996. Are you good at math? Quick, calculate my age!)
Why do you like drawing?
Everybody has a special something that makes them feel at peace. When I draw, I feel perfectly at peace. This has been true since I was a child. Even when drawing is very hard, the act of putting pencil or paint or ink on paper makes me feel calm and still inside. It makes me feel less worried about all of the big things happening in the world around me. Maybe drawing makes you feel at peace, too. Or maybe you feel at peace when you are playing soccer, or baking cookies, or playing with you siblings, or reading a book. If you find something that makes you feel at peace, you should cherish it. It’s a wonderful thing.